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Cara Membuat Account Paypal Tipe PREMIER Tanpa Kartu Kredit

This tutorial will be explained in English and some word will be in Bahasa.

Almost Internet user, especially who sell or and buy online know what is Paypal. Many people have account in Paypal, but most of them use paypal for shopping, and few who use paypal for selling or geting money online.

Three Kind of Paypal account are: PERSONAL, PREMIER, and BUSINESS.
PERSONAL ----> For individual who Shop online.
PREMIER ----> For individual who BUY and SELL online.
BUSINESS ----> For merchants who use a company or group name.

If you only want to have PERSONAL account, then you don't have to read this simple tutorial, go directly to Paypal and you will be accepted as PERSONAL who shop online only. My question is HOW MUCH MONEY do you have to shop online?
Lets make money online, and use paypal as your place to keep your money safe.

Why Suster Gila choose Paypal? And the reasons are:
  1. PayPal is designed from the ground up to be a safer way to send money online.
  2. PayPal doesn’t expose or sell your financial information to merchants.
  3. Pay directly from your PayPal balance or linked bank account.
  4. Or charge it to your credit card.
  5. Stay safer - recipient gets the money without seeing sensitive financial details like your credit card or bank account numbers.
  6. Keep track of all your transactions on PayPal
Let START to create the PREMIER account:

STEP 1, Click Sign-up and fill the form

STEP 2, you Must agree. :)
STEP 3, Skip this step if you don't have credit card yet.

STEP 4, last thing to do.

STEP 5, check your account.
Well DONE. Now you have a PREMIER account, you may SELL something in internet and get money from it. After that, I do not have to teach you how you will use your money, I am not your mama. :)

Do you have any question?

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12 komentar untuk "Cara Membuat Account Paypal Tipe PREMIER Tanpa Kartu Kredit"

Ajeng 25 Maret 2009 pukul 09.33 Hapus Komentar
Pertamanya... Maunya nyoba,tapi kayaknya belum ngerti tuh... *bilang ae kalo lemot*
Suster Gila 25 Maret 2009 pukul 11.34 Hapus Komentar
@ Ajeng --> Kalau ajeng punya produk (barang/jasa) dan mau ditawarkan via inet (E.g. Ebay), account premier bisa digunakan untuk menerima pembayaran dari konsumen. Lalu setelah dapat duit BUANYAAAAAK, bisa digunakan untuk belanja. Beli Domain, beli software atau bahkan dijadikan rupiah. :)

AWSURVEYS bisa pembayaran ke paypal juga. Sudag gabung? Kalau belum aku mau tuh dijadiin referal. :)
boo 25 Maret 2009 pukul 12.47 Hapus Komentar
dah pny.
Suster Gila 25 Maret 2009 pukul 12.54 Hapus Komentar
@ Boo --> Kalu dah punya berarti tinggal daftar di AWSURVEYS bisa pembayaran ke paypal juga. Sudah gabung? Kalau belum aku mau tuh dijadiin referal. :)

buntutnya ngiklan :D
Admin 25 Maret 2009 pukul 13.56 Hapus Komentar
kl lom ada cc gmana mau buat premier
Miss Bawel! 25 Maret 2009 pukul 15.06 Hapus Komentar
udah punya, udah berapa tahun..

dulu pertama kali register ke paypal waktu ada temen diluar negeri mau transfer duit ke gw,

sekarang udah gak aktif lagi deh kayaknya :)

Suster Gila 25 Maret 2009 pukul 17.55 Hapus Komentar
@ Xander ---> BISA. Kalau belum punya CC, dari langkah 1,2,3 langsung ke Langkah 5 dan 6. Dan anda sudah punya Acount premier.:)
@ Miss Bawell ---> Ntar PASIEN suster yang bingung gimana cara CAIRin dana di Indonesia, pasti SUSTER Rujuk ke Miss Bawell. :)
Anonim 27 Maret 2009 pukul 12.18 Hapus Komentar
terimakasih infonya sangatbermanfaat
fajardesign 28 Maret 2009 pukul 11.54 Hapus Komentar
wah saya baru di Paypal nih..

kayaknya butuh penjelasan lebih lanjut deh..
Admin 28 Maret 2009 pukul 12.38 Hapus Komentar
nihh mau tanya lg yahh. paypal ku kok masih limited yahh padahal dah masukkan cc walaupun cuma vcc ktanya sihh proof addres dan upload ktp tp masih limited jg kenapa bs gitu yahhh
NeoComps 28 Maret 2009 pukul 13.50 Hapus Komentar
thx buat informasinya sob..
Rawins 29 Maret 2009 pukul 01.28 Hapus Komentar
ditranslit sit lik...