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7 Alasan Untuk memiliki Senjata Api


Dalam Yahoo Answer ada pertanyaan menarik tentang Senjata Api, baik yang berbentuk Pistol ataupun senapan laras panjang. Pertanyaan terkait dengan maraknya penjualan Senjata api di Australia, dan mudahnya mendapatkan senjata api dengan harga yang murah.

Pertanyaan yang diajukan kurang lebih seperti ini:
Seperti kita ketahui sekarang, semakin banyak pabrik senjata api bermunculan dengan produk senjata api berbagai tipe dan ukuran. Dari senajata api genggam (pistol) hingga senjata berat dengan peluru tajam. Harga yang ditawarkanpun semakin terjangkau, murah dengan kualitas yang baik. Namun disisi lain dengan banyaknya produk senjata di pasaran, angka kriminal juga semakin meningkat. Nah yang selalu menjadi pikiran saya saat ini adalah alasan anda untuk memiliki atau tidak memiliki senjata api.
Saya menghargai setiap jawaban yang anda berikan.
Jawaban terbaik yang dipilih oleh penanya adalah:
I have chosen to have a weapon available to me at all times to protect me and my family.
A gun is a tool designed for a purpose, and is treated accordingly. The police do a wonderful job and they have my admiration, but I don't see any here now. If NOW is when I need protection, all the 911 calls in the world will not help - I'm on my own.

Jawaban lain:
As an Australian, I have no interest in having a gun to defend myself. It just doesn't seem sensible. There are no roaming bands of outlaws attacking innocent people in their homes in Australia. There's a possibility that I might be burgled, of course, but I don't own anything so valuable that I would kill someone to protect it.
I refuse to have a gun in my house or own one.
I don't care if other people have them.
I believe that people who own guns need to take precautions to make sure the gun is registered, the owner is trained in its use, and that if children are present, the gun is kept unloaded and/or hidden and out of sight and reach. So have one if you want, just be responsible with it.

well i own 2 guns a AK-47 and a AR-15. i have them cauz i like to go shooting with m Friends and cauz i have the right to bear arms and for protection in the house. i was raised around guns rifles,pistols i still do shoot pistols for me its just how i was raised

I am Australian and very happy guns are banned for many reasons: a massive reduction in accidental death and suicide (more spur of the moment)
I'm not paranoid the government is going to do anything that would warrant protection by guns - I believe in our democratic process which is very straightforward compared to USA and lastly I choose to live in a society where violence is not the answer, this may put me at risk at certain times but we can only have safe societies when we don't accept violence as a solution - it takes one citizen at a time- the vast majority of gun violence in australia is comitted within criminal gangs and is highly unlikely to affect the ordinary person. Also I don't believe in having a gun in the house for protection as research proves that the owner is likely to be disarmed by the offender and injured or killed by the weapon. O also don't want my children growing up in a household that teaches that you have to be that scared of ithe society you live in.

Hope that helps - USA is very different from Australia so we don't need the same rights you have
Lalu bagaimana dengan pendapat anda yang tinggal di Indonesia? Dengan makin seringnya kita melihat iklan Jual Senjata Api baik berpeluru karet, Gas Air mata,  Ataupun Pistol/senjata api dengan peluru tajam?

1 komentar untuk "7 Alasan Untuk memiliki Senjata Api"

Tips Freeware 20 Juli 2011 pukul 21.03 Hapus Komentar
alasan yg amazing nich... hehe.. tp kan yg namanya rakyat biasa tetap aja dianggap ilegal atas kepemilikan senjata api :D